Hi Karthick,
By default, the entire diagram model properties will be serialized. So only the JSON string length exceeds the maximum value. Please refer to the code example in which we have removed the property which is set as an null value after saving the diagram. please refer to the sample below. However currently we don’t have support to serialize the particular/user defined diagram’s model properties. We have already logged “Need to provide an option to serialize the user defined diagram model’s properties” as a feature and provided the feature description below. We have planned to implement this feature in our volume 4,2017 release. We will let you know once the volume 4,2017 release is rolled out.
Code example:
var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
//save the diagram
var saveDiagram = diagram.save();
for (var prop in saveDiagram) {
//delete the null value property
if (saveDiagram[prop] === null) {
delete saveDiagram[prop];
Also please use the below code example in the web.config file. Please refer to the below sample for further reference.
Code example:
<jsonSerialization maxJsonLength="2147483644"/>
Shyam G