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Nuget install of Syncfusion.javascript failed


I tried to use nuget (VS2015 Update 3) to upgrade from an older version of Syncfusion.javascript to 

It got 80% of the way through and then started throwing errors:
"Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute."

Once it had 'completed' I noticed the lower bar going through and deleting quite a bunch of files (which didn't look right!).

When I then tried to compile it, it complained that 'angular/core' could not be found - but I don't have angular installed (intentionally). 

I think the collection errors are coming from source control, rather than nuget. 

Has anyone else seen this?


7 Replies

KR Koushik Ramaswamy Syncfusion Team September 12, 2017 01:21 PM UTC

Hi Aubyn Crawford,  
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.  
Query 1: “It got 80% of the way through and then started throwing errors:"Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute." 
We have analyzed your query but it would be helpful for us to come with a solution if you provide us the following details before proceeding it further. 
1.       Stacktrace of the error 
2.       Version upgraded and old version. 
Query 2: “When I then tried to compile it, it complained that 'angular/core' could not be found - but I don't have angular installed 
Previously we have shipped Angular files with Syncfusion JavaScript Nuget package.  Now we have separated Angular files as NPM packageej-angular2. Since we suggest you to remove the file such as ej.angular2.d.ts, ej.angular2.js, ej.angular2.js.map from below sample location.  
Koushik R 

AC Aubyn Crawford September 13, 2017 12:01 PM UTC


I was upgrading from "13.2450.0.29" to the latest. I don't have a stack trace. Do you want the information from the output window? I'm almost certain the error was related to the source control not coping with the volume of changes, but not sure how to determine that.

Not sure what you are trying to confirm on the Angular side, should I use NPM to install angular? 


KR Koushik Ramaswamy Syncfusion Team September 14, 2017 01:08 PM UTC

Hi Aubyn Crawford, 
Thanks for your interest Syncfusion products. 
With the previous version( of Syncfusion JavaScript Nuget package, we shipped Syncfusion Angular components source files (ej.angular2.d.ts,  ej.angular2.js, ej.angular2.js.map) which uses Angular packages angular/core,angular/common,etc . which causes the issue 'angular/core' could not be found. To resolve this compilation with old Nuget package, we recommend you to manually remove the files such as ej.angular2.d.ts,  ej.angular2.js, ej.angular2.js.map from below sample location.    
Now we have removed Angular source file shipping with Syncfusion JavaScript NuGet packages in the recent versions.   
If you are upgraded to the latest version, those files are not available in our JavaScript NuGet package and the issue will be resolved automatically.  
Koushik R 

AC Aubyn Crawford September 14, 2017 03:07 PM UTC


In my Nuget packages it does not provide an option to intsall a newer version that


GR Ganesan Rengasamy Syncfusion Team September 15, 2017 09:20 AM UTC

Hi Aubyn, 
Thanks for the update. 
From your update, we suspect that you are trying to install/update the Syncfusion JavaScript NuGet package from default nuget.org which is not an official Syncfusion NuGet package. Currently, we are providing separate Syncfusion NuGet server to utilize the Syncfusion NuGet packages. Please follow the steps given in the below link to configure and utilize the Syncfusion JavaScript NuGet packages in your application. 
Ganesan R. 

AC Aubyn Crawford September 18, 2017 07:36 PM UTC

I had messed up the instructions on connecting to the new server, yes that makes more sense. Sorry I should have re-checked the config. 

GR Ganesan Rengasamy Syncfusion Team September 19, 2017 04:44 AM UTC

Hi Aubyn, 
Thanks for your update, please recheck and get back to us if  you need further assistance. We would be happy to help you out. 
Ganesan R. 

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