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Why GCC can't be focused?

Dear All, 

I have two control, Textbox with tabindex = 0, and GCC with tabindex = 1. 
When I press Tab key from textbox, GCC was not focused. What setting that I missed ?
And what parameter that the selected row back color is gray when GCC lost focused ?
I've tried for a day.. can not find any soulution.. 

Thank you.

Best regards, 

3 Replies

AR Arulpriya Ramalingam Syncfusion Team September 14, 2017 08:57 AM UTC

Hi Hartono,   
Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products.   
By default, the current cell and focus will be moved to next cell when the Tab key is pressed in GridGroupingControl. In order to move the focus to next control from the grid when Tab key is pressed, the WantTabKey property can be set to false.    
Code example  
//To disable tab key behavior within the grid   
this.gridGroupingControl1.WantTabKey = false;   
The GotFocus event of GridTableControl can be used to identify that whether the grid got focus or not. Please make use of below code and sample,   
Code example  
//Event subscription   
this.gridGroupingControl1.TableControl.GotFocus += GridGroupingControl1_GotFocus;   
//Customizing the event   
private void GridGroupingControl1_GotFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)   
   Console.WriteLine("Control got focus");   
By default, the current cell border will be set to gray color when the control lost focus.   

HA Hartono September 15, 2017 02:32 AM UTC

Thanks Arulpriya, 

Here I attach the screen recording shows GGC could not be focused then previous control pressed tab key. 
Generally, the first row should be highlighted when focused. 

What parameter that I missed ? 

Thank you.

Attachment: ggc_93e8b5d2.zip

AR Arulpriya Ramalingam Syncfusion Team September 15, 2017 12:13 PM UTC

Hi Hartono,  
Thanks for your update.  
We could understand your scenario. By default, while loading the grid the CurrentCell will be at (-1,-1) index. In order to move the current cell focus to first row, MoveTo() method of GridCurrentCell can be used in GotFocus event. Please make use of below code and sample,  
Code example 
//Event subscription  
this.gridGroupingControl1.TableControl.GotFocus += GridGroupingControl1_GotFocus;  
//Event Customization  
private void GridGroupingControl1_GotFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)  
    if(this.gridGroupingControl1.TableControl.CurrentCell.RowIndex == -1)  
        int topRowIndex = this.gridGroupingControl1.TableControl.TopRowIndex;  
        //To move the currentCell to top record row  
        this.gridGroupingControl1.TableControl.CurrentCell.MoveTo(topRowIndex, 1);  
Please let us know if you have any other query.  

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