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Dashboard deployed on Server

Hi I need clarity on a deployment I made to a server

  • Deployed a asp.net MVC 5 application with dashboards in a number of views to a Server
  • Installed windows dashboard service to server and tested.
  • Installed all .sydx dashboard files to a folder on server (C:\Dashboard)
  • Tested that application worked on server local machine.

Now when I run application through browser on remote computer, following is needed

  1. Have to install windows dashboard service on machine accessing dashboard web application
  2. Data must be available in same folder as on server (example server data is stored in folder c:\Dashboard, I have to install on machine running web app also on C:\dashboard.

This seams to be wrong for me I should install everything on server and run web application on any machine without installing services etc.

Am I doing something wrong


Edmund Herbert

4 Replies

BR Balaji Ravichandran Syncfusion Team September 7, 2017 11:56 AM UTC

 Hi Edmund, 
Please find our response below. 
  1. Have to install windows dashboard service on machine accessing dashboard web application
No, it is not necessary to install Dashboard windows service on all the client machines. The windows service is meant for testing purpose alone, and we do not recommend using it in a production environment. Instead, we recommend you to host the Dashboard Service in IIS, and refer it in your application. The hostable service is available in location: %localappdata%\Syncfusion\Dashboard\Samples\Common\Service   
<div style="height:700px;width:100%;">    @Html.EJ().DashboardViewer("dashboard").ServiceUrl(@ViewBag.ServiceUrl).DashboardPath(@ViewBag.dashboardPath)   
Note: IP_Address should not be localhost    
  1. Data must be available in same folder as on server (example server data is stored in folder c:\Dashboard, I have to install on machine running web app also on C:\dashboard.
This is not mandatory. The sydx file can be placed in a network as well. The location where the sydx is placed should be accessible to the dashboard service.   
Please let us know if you have further queries on this. 
Balaji Ravichandran  

EH Edmund Herbert September 7, 2017 01:34 PM UTC

Hi thanks for reply

http://sampledashboardservice.com/DashboardService.svc is not up or working any reason for this


Edmund Herbert

EH Edmund Herbert September 8, 2017 06:37 AM UTC

Hi Guys,

Do you have a test Dashboard Service that I can test against, the service
http://sampledashboardservice.com/DashboardService.svc that you supplied is not working


Edmund Herbert

BR Balaji Ravichandran Syncfusion Team September 8, 2017 12:04 PM UTC

Hi Edmund,   
Sorry for the trouble. The web link for the dashboard service “http://sampledashboardservice.com/DashboardService.svc”  is not an actual site. We gave it as an example. You need to host the Dashboard Service in IIS. Please follow the below link to host the service in IIS.  
After hosting the Service in IIS. You can refer to the hosted link in your application .cshtml file.   
<div style="height:700px;width:100%;">    @Html.EJ().DashboardViewer("dashboard").ServiceUrl(@ViewBag.ServiceUrl).DashboardPath(@ViewBag.dashboardPath)      
You should give the URL with IP address of the hosted machine or its domain to make the dashboards render from your client browser. If you give the URL as localhost, then the client browser will be searching for the site in the client machine itself.   
Please make sure that you should enable firewall access to the Dashboard Service port and MVC application running port to access in client browser.   
If you face any difficulties on this deployment, please feel free to contact us.   
Balaji Ravichandran. 

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