Product DocIO, v15.3.0.29
Say you have a table with 2 columns; for some rows, there is a call to ApplyHorizontalMerge.
So far, everything's fine.
In each row, I add an image to the cells in that row, scaling the image if necessary, comparing cell.Width to the width of the image (see sample code)
var image = (WPicture) para.AppendPicture(File.ReadAllBytes(filename));
var w = cell.Width;
if (image.Width > w) {
As long as the cell have not been merged, everything is fine, but for merged cells, cell.Width returns the initial width of the cell, not the one resulting after adiacent cells in that row were merged.
I've seen there are two properties, CellStartPosition and CellEndPosition, but they're internal, so they're not available.
Is there a way to get the final width of a cell resulting from merging more cells horizontally?