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Chinese translation

Is it possible to translate into Chinese, including the editor of appointment?
By the way I'm using C#

Thank you~

7 Replies

KR Krystal August 21, 2017 07:51 AM UTC

KR Krystal August 21, 2017 08:30 AM UTC

PM Piruthiviraj Malaimelraj Syncfusion Team August 22, 2017 12:33 PM UTC

Hi Krystal, 

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products. 

We have analyzed your scenario and prepared the simple sample. In that sample we have localized the texts in AppoitmentForm and RecurringForm to Chinese by using DisplayStrings collection of corresponding forms. Please make use of the below code example, 

Code snippet: 
MetroAppointmentForm.DisplayStrings[0] = "??"; 
MetroAppointmentForm.DisplayStrings[1] = "??"; 
MetroAppointmentForm.DisplayStrings[2] = "????"; 
MetroAppointmentForm.DisplayStrings[3] = "??"; 
MetroAppointmentForm.DisplayStrings[4] = "??"; 
MetroAppointmentForm.DisplayStrings[5] = "????"; 
RecurringForm.DisplayStrings[0] = "?????????"; 
RecurringForm.DisplayStrings[1] = "????"; 
RecurringForm.DisplayStrings[2] = "????"; 
RecurringForm.DisplayStrings[3] = "????"; 
RecurringForm.DisplayStrings[4] = "?"; 
RecurringForm.DisplayStrings[5] = "??"; 
RecurringForm.DisplayStrings[6] = "??????"; 
RecurringForm.DisplayStrings[7] = "????"; 

KB link: 

Sample link: 

In RecurringForm, there is no support for changing the language of its controls text due to its protection level (i.e., RadioButtons (Every,Daily,Weekly,Monthly,…,)) as shown in below image. Already we have logged feature report to enhance the support for accessing the RecurrenceForm. We will let you know once this feature has been implemented. 


Thanks for your understandings, 


KR Krystal August 25, 2017 01:25 AM UTC

Thank you,that's what I need

but,I can't change the AlertForm button.text

PM Piruthiviraj Malaimelraj Syncfusion Team August 25, 2017 01:54 PM UTC

Hi Krystal, 

Thanks for your update, 

We have analyzed your scenario. The ScheduleControl does not have direct support to customize the MessageBox texts. If you want to change the MessageBox button’s text, use the control derived from ScheduleControl and create the own Form with buttons (Yes,No and Cancel) and show this form in ParentFormClosing overridden method. 

You can customize the button text as you want in your own form. 

Please make use of the below code snippet, 
class CustomScheduleControl : ScheduleControl 
    public CustomScheduleControl() { } 
    public override ScheduleGrid CreateScheduleGrid(NavigationCalendar calendar, ScheduleControl schedule, DateTime initialDate) 
        return new CustomScheduleGrid(calendar, schedule, initialDate); 
class CustomScheduleGrid : ScheduleGrid 
    public CustomScheduleGrid() 
    MessageBoxForm mbox; 
    public CustomScheduleGrid(NavigationCalendar calendar, ScheduleControl schedule, DateTime theDate) 
        : base(calendar, schedule, theDate) 
        mbox = new MessageBoxForm(); 
    public override void ParentFormClosing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) 
        if (!this.Schedule.IsDisposed) 
            if (this.Schedule.DataSource != null && this.Schedule.DataSource.IsDirty 
                && this.Schedule.DataSource.SaveOnCloseBehaviorAction != SaveOnCloseBehavior.DoNotSave) 
                if (this.Schedule.DataSource.SaveOnCloseBehaviorAction == SaveOnCloseBehavior.SaveWithoutPrompt 
                    || mbox.ShowDialog(null) == DialogResult.Yes) 

Please refer to the attached sample. In that sample, we have created the own form (MessageBoxForm) with 3 buttons and set the text in Chinese language and use it in ParentFormClosing method, 

Sample link: 


KR Krystal August 31, 2017 11:43 AM UTC

I thought it was not what I wanted

I want to ask this [Alert]

Attachment: Alert_f8915f96.rar

PM Piruthiviraj Malaimelraj Syncfusion Team September 1, 2017 05:13 AM UTC

Hi Krystal, 

Sorry for the inconvenience caused, 

We have modified the sample. The button’s text of AlertWindow can be localized by using those button properties from AlertWindow of ScheduleControl. Please make use of the below code, 

Code snippet: 
//Localize the AlertWindow 
this.scheduleControl1.AlertWindow.buttonSnooze.Text = "??"; 
this.scheduleControl1.AlertWindow.buttonDismiss.Text = "??"; 
this.scheduleControl1.AlertWindow.buttonDismissAll.Text = "????"; 

Sample link: 

Please let us know if you have any other queries, 


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