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Find detailed documentation to various options such as marker options

I see  https://help.syncfusion.com/angular/chart/data-markers  but I don't find a more detailed documentation to the various options. Where can I find a more detailed documentation?

For instance I want to know what kind of marker options there are. There is a marker.shape that can be a "diamond","Triangle","Hexagon","rectangle", "circle". Are there other shapes? Like "Vertical Line"? 

1 Reply

DD Dharanidharan Dharmasivam Syncfusion Team August 16, 2017 12:37 PM UTC

Hi Sebastian, 

Sorry for the inconvenience. 

When you click on the link as depicted in the below screenshot, it will navigate to the shape of marker, but currently we are having problem in navigation. We will fix this problem and refresh it in online for Essential studio volume 3 SP 1 release  2017 which is expected to be out in the end of August. 


As of now to know the marker shape values, kindly use the below link. 


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