Thanks for your update.
We suspect that latest version source file is not used which could be the cause for the issue. We have checked the sample and drop down field is added in appointment window as shown below.
var data=@Html.Raw(Json.Serialize(ViewBag.locData));
// This function executes before the appointment window gets opened.
function onAppointmentOpen(args) {
if ($(".customfields").length == 0) {
var customDesign = "<tr class='customfields'><tr class='dropdownfield'><td class='e-textlabel'>Location</td><td><input type='text' id='Desc' name='Decsription' class='appDesc' /></td></tr>";
$("." + this._id + "parrow").before(customDesign);
dataSource: data,
fields: { text: "text", id: "id", value: "text" }
else {
if (!ej.isNullOrUndefined(args.appointment)) {
// if double clicked on the appointments, retrieve the custom field values from the appointment object and fills it in the appropriate fields.
this._appointmentAddWindow.find(".appDesc").ejDropDownList("option", { value: args.appointment.Decsription });
else {
// if double clicked on the cells, clears the field values.
this._appointmentAddWindow.find(".appDesc").ejDropDownList("option", { value: "" });
function OnBeforeAppointmentCreate(args) {
this._appointmentAddWindow.find(".appDesc").ejDropDownList("option", { value: args.appointment.Decsription });