<script id="apptTemplate" type="text/x-jsrender">
{{if published === 'Y'}}
<div style="width=100%; height:75px !important; padding:3px; border-top: 4px solid #4fd647; color:{{>appointtextcolor}}; background:{{>appointbackcolor}};">
<div style="width:100%; height:75px !important; padding:3px; border-top: 4px solid #cc4542; color:{{>appointtextcolor}}; background:{{>appointbackcolor}};">
{{if called === 'Y'}}
<div class="apptCallYN text-green ttip" title="Called on {{:calldate}} by {{:callby}}"><i class="icon icon-phone2"></i></div>
<div class="apptCallYN text-red ttip" title="Not Called"><i class="icon icon-phone-slash"></i></div>
<div class="apptListName">
{{if schcode}}({{>schcode}}-{{>evtcode}}){{/if}}<br/>
{{if evtimg !== ''}}<img class="apptEVTImg ttip" src="{{:evtimg}}" alt="" title="{{:evttyp}}"/>{{/if}}
{{if idinfo !== '' && idinfo !== 'NONE'}}<i class="icon icon-price-tag2 ttip" title="{{:idinfo}}"></i>{{/if}}
{{if grps !== 'N'}}<i class="icon icon-users ttip" title="{{:grpinfo}}"></i>{{/if}}
{{if confirmed === 'Y'}}
<div class="apptConfYN text-green ttip" title="Confirmed on {{:confdate}} by {{:confby}}"><i class="icon icon-thumbs-up3"></i></div>
<div class="apptConfYN text-red ttip" title="Not Confirmed"><i class="icon icon-thumbs-down3"></i></div>
Ill have to try and work up a way for you to get to a test calendar of mine so you can see it. Mine are built so differently from yours and data is loaded through a promise so its hard to try and replicate on your playground. Seeing as I can easily get around it, its not a big issue but if I can get something built for testing I will reply again.
Thanks for looking into it