First, it doesn't seem possible to name the X-Axis a string? If I remove it from being an integer it crashes, even though the function has the ability to accept a string. All the data gets placed in the first Series, instead of one value in each. I honestly don't see what I'm doing wrong.
chart.ChartData.SetValue(1, 2, "01/03");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(1, 3, "01/09");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(1, 4, "01/16");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(1, 5, "01/23");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(1, 6, "01/30");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(1, 7, "02/06");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(1, 8, "02/13");
chart.ChartData.SetValue(1, 9, "02/20");
//Sets chart data - Row2
chart.ChartData.SetValue(2, 1, 0103);
chart.ChartData.SetValue(2, 2, 71399);
//Sets chart data - Row3
chart.ChartData.SetValue(3, 1, 0109);
chart.ChartData.SetValue(3, 2, 80152);
//Sets chart data - Row4
chart.ChartData.SetValue(4, 1, 0116);
chart.ChartData.SetValue(4, 2, 65115);
//Sets chart data - Row5
chart.ChartData.SetValue(5, 1, 0123);
chart.ChartData.SetValue(5, 2, 75710);
//Sets chart data - Row6
chart.ChartData.SetValue(6, 1, 0130);
chart.ChartData.SetValue(6, 2, 85728);
//Sets chart data - Row7
chart.ChartData.SetValue(7, 1, 0206);
chart.ChartData.SetValue(7, 2, 62536);
//Sets chart data - Row8
chart.ChartData.SetValue(8, 1, 0213);
chart.ChartData.SetValue(8, 2, 59313);
//Sets chart data - Row9
chart.ChartData.SetValue(9, 1, 0220);
chart.ChartData.SetValue(9, 2, 64207);
IOfficeChartSerie serie1 = chart.Series.Add("1-3");
serie1.Values = chart.ChartData[2, 2, 2, 2];
IOfficeChartSerie serie2 = chart.Series.Add("1-9");
serie2.Values = chart.ChartData[3, 2, 3, 2];
IOfficeChartSerie serie3 = chart.Series.Add("1-16");
serie3.Values = chart.ChartData[4, 2, 4, 2];
IOfficeChartSerie serie4 = chart.Series.Add("1-23");
serie4.Values = chart.ChartData[5, 2, 5, 2];
IOfficeChartSerie serie5 = chart.Series.Add("1-30");
serie5.Values = chart.ChartData[6, 2, 6, 2];
IOfficeChartSerie serie6 = chart.Series.Add("2-06");
serie6.Values = chart.ChartData[7, 2, 7, 2];
IOfficeChartSerie serie7 = chart.Series.Add("2-13");
serie7.Values = chart.ChartData[8, 2, 8, 2];
IOfficeChartSerie serie8 = chart.Series.Add("2-20");
serie8.Values = chart.ChartData[9, 2, 9, 2];
chart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.CategoryLabels = chart.ChartData[1, 1, 1, 9];
chart.ChartType = OfficeChartType.Column_Clustered;