//Refresh the File conten
if (File.Exists(BasePath))
//Load the file Content
for (int i = 0; i < this.editControl1.Lines.Length; i++)
string line = this.editControl1.Lines[i].Replace(" "," ");
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(BasePath, true);
//Load the Html file
this.htmluiControl1.LoadHTML(BasePath); |
I will check it out later... looks promising.
I will let you know!
The code you supplied worked as far as what it does... replace the spaces.
However, because of html technology itself, the chords are off from what they look like on the screen (in the editor).
So, this won't work.
I would use the default PrintPreview of .NET, but the toolbar looks ugly.
Even though that does work... I was hoping I could print preview on the PrintPreview Control, but it doesn't print in color because you have to specify the brush color.
And that would mean I would have to write code and parse the entire thing for just a color print out.
Thanks for you efforts!!
Attached are 2 screenshots. I will explain each one.
Shows the edit control printed in full color using the >NET default PrintPreviewDialog.
However, the tool bar is ugly and I can't edit it.
This is the output of the Edit control using the PrintPreviewControl
However, none of the chords are in RED.
Is there anyway to get the PrintPreviewControl to print whatever colors there are in the edit control??
If this can't be done....
Can outputting the Edit control content unto your PDF control work??
Maybe I can use the PDF as a Print Preview.
Hello..... I GOT IT!!!
I dug into the PDF examples and had to tweak the code a little, but the PDF prints the Edit Control content PERFECT!!!