.e-toolbar>.e-horizontal.e-ul {
.e-toolbar ul:last-child>li:last-child {
</style> |
.e-toolbar>.e-horizontal.e-ul {
</style> |
<script type="text/javascript">
var tObj = $("#editingToolbar").data("ejToolbar"); // get the toolbar object
$(tObj.itemsContainer[tObj.itemsContainer.length - 2]).addClass("float"); //last before UL element
$(tObj.itemsContainer[tObj.itemsContainer.length - 1]).addClass("float"); //last UL element
<style type="text/css" class="cssStyles">
.e-toolbar>.e-horizontal.e-ul.float {
</style |
<style type="text/css" class="cssStyles">
.e-toolbar>.e-horizontal.e-ul:nth-last-child(2), .e-horizontal.e-ul:nth-last-child(1){
</style> |
I used your part of code which uses addClass, bet there is not completely fine behavior:
1. Seperator is not moved to the right
2. After moving to the right, order is incorrect.
How can I fix that?
<style type="text/css" class="cssStyles">
border-left: 1px solid #c8c8c8; /* separator border color for default theme */
border-right: none;
</style> |
<script type="text/javascript">
var tObj = $("#editingToolbar").data("ejToolbar"); // get the toolbar object
$(tObj.itemsContainer[tObj.itemsContainer.length - 2]).addClass("float"); //Second to the last UL element
$(tObj.itemsContainer[tObj.itemsContainer.length - 1]).addClass("float"); //last UL element
tObj.element.append(tObj.itemsContainer[tObj.itemsContainer.length - 2]); //Moving second to the last UL element to last
</script> |
there is again one more problem now: after reducing to one button and returning back, order again incorrect.
How can I fix that?
Before resize (correct order):
After reducing and returning back (incerrect order):
var tObj = $("#editingToolbar").data("ejToolbar"); // get the toolbar object
tObj.element.append(tObj.itemsContainer[tObj.itemsContainer.length - 2]); //Moving second to the last UL element to last
</script> |
How can I catch ejToolbar event when buttons are added into menuButton and removed from menuButton and added to ejToolbar again? Also, is there a way to know which button is added/removed? - I will need that because I want to move to the right only specific buttons, not all of them.