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Chart preferment

Hi Syncfusion,
I have preferment issues.  
Do you have a simple how to build chart with allot of series and a lot of data in the series
Thanks Roi,

3 Replies

DV Divya Venkatesan Syncfusion Team June 28, 2017 03:51 PM UTC

Hi Roi,

We have prepared a sample using FastLineSeries with LiveUpdate of data points. Please download the sample from the following location.

Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/131187/ze/Chart-1427093327

Please provide us more details or modify the sample to reproduce the issue if your requirement is different from this.

Divya Venkatesan

RG Roi g July 3, 2017 02:41 PM UTC

Hi Syncfusion,

What I need is little bit different 

I have a view pager that holds charts 

and I have a problem cleaning the chart 

if moving a lot from different pages in the view pager 

I see that the performance is going down 

and that the chart hold state that I don't need 

so what is the best way to clean the data?

Thanks, Roi

PS Parthiban Sundaram Syncfusion Team July 5, 2017 01:12 PM UTC

Hi Roi,

Thanks for using Syncfusion Products,

We are not able to reproduce the reported issue at our end and we have prepared a sample for this. Please update us the modified sample to reproduce the issue which will be helpful for providing further assistance on this. Also, can you please update the below details.

1. Device/OS details.
2. Type of Series.
3. Number of data points.

Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/131187/ze/ChartSample-862901804

Please let us know, if you need further assistance on this.

Parthiban S

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