Hi Daniel,
We are unable to reproduce the issue at our end.
Could you please share the following details to look in to the issue further.
- Data source – Which you are looking to connect with Data Integration Platform(e.g. , Oracle,SQLserver,MYSQL) .
- Database Driver class name .
- Database Driver Jar , which you have used.
- Data Integration Platform logs from the following location “ <Installed Drive>\Syncfusion\Data Integration\<versionNumber>\SDK\NIFI\logs\”
In addition to that, Please consider the following case while creating DBCPConnectionPool.
- Remove whitespaces in the connection string if any.
- Make sure that proper Drive class name is provided.
- Ensure that proper JDBC jar is loaded. If you are using Data integration platform v1.1.0.60, Please use the jar which is compatible with Java7.
- Refer the driver(jar) location in the given format <drive>:\<directory>\<yourjdbc>.jar
Please let us know if you need further assistance.
Karthikeyan S