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SfChart bug?


There seems to be an issue with SfChart wherein an error is thrown when I try opening an SQLite database after a chart s created.

Below is a sample method that crashes when called after a chart is created. It runs fine if there's no chart on the page yet.

        public static void GetTrendData(string assetID, ObservableCollection<StringTrendline> trendData)
            using (SqliteConnection db = new SqliteConnection("Filename=" + AppDatabase))
                SqliteDataReader query = null;
                    SqliteCommand selectCommand = new SqliteCommand("SELECT Result, MaintDate, TrendID FROM tbl_TestResult WHERE AssetID = '" + assetID + "'", db);
                    query = selectCommand.ExecuteReader();
                catch (SqliteException error)
                while (query.Read())
                    StringTrendline row = new StringTrendline()
                        AssetResult = query.GetString(0),
                        Timeline = query.GetString(1),
                        AssetTypeResult = "",
                        TrendID = query.GetString(2)

3 Replies

DS Durgadevi Selvaraj Syncfusion Team June 7, 2017 01:59 PM UTC

Hi Arman,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.

We would like to inform you that we are unable to reproduce the reported problem at our end. We have prepared a demo sample with the reference of provided information for your reference and it can be downloaded from below link, 

If you are still able to reproduce the reported problem, please revert us by modifying the provided sample. It would be helpful for us to serve you better.

Durgadevi S

AB Arman Balin June 8, 2017 08:00 AM UTC

Hi Durgadevi,

Thanks for the sample you've sent.

I ran the project by itself and it worked without the issues I'm encountering in my project.

I shall try and add this to my project and see if the issue persists.


DS Durgadevi Selvaraj Syncfusion Team June 9, 2017 06:12 AM UTC

Hi Arman,

Thanks for your update.

We will wait until hear from you.

Durgadevi S

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