I have used the link: https://www.syncfusion.com/kb/4375/dialogtemplate-edit-mode-how-to-set-validation-for-a-column-based-on-another-column-value
to create my own edit template. with this template i am able to add records. For delete also, no issues,just select a record from grid and delete & deleterURL is called.
The problem is with calling UpdateURL.
I have a required field say: Description. Now if i select a record from Grid and click pencil icon(Edit button). then my Template opens showing all data, including the
Description field is showing. The problem is, on CLick of "Save" button the UpdateURL is called only if i am changing the value in the required field: Description.
Below is the MVC way i have added the validation rule.
col.Field("PRODUCT_DESC_EN").HeaderText("PRODUCT_DESC_EN").Width(100).ValidationRules(v => v.AddRule("required", true)).Add().
The UpdateURL should be called even if i am not updating the 'required' description field, since this field has the value already.
How to resolve this issue.
mail id: mram@amtpl.com