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What is the meaning to this line

var dropDownObj = $('#list').ejDropDownList("instance");
var diagram = $('#myDiagram').ejDiagram("model");

Hello, when looking at the MVC doc, I fell a couple time on parts where you interact directly in javascript such as this line.
Sometimes, we pass ("instance"), sometimes it's ("model").

I've searched through the online doc but can't find info on these parameters, could somebody explain to me ? Or point to any resources that could help me understand

Thank you in advance

1 Reply

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team May 16, 2017 07:03 AM UTC

Hi Jonathan, 
var diagram = $('#myDiagram').ejDiagram("instance"); 
It returns the diagram objects which has public API methods and the diagram model properties. 
var diagram = $('#myDiagram').ejDiagram("model"); 
It returns the diagram’s model properties alone. 
Shyam G 

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