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Multiple custom command buttons in a grid column

When i try to add multiple custom commands to a grid column, only the last own is rendered.

4 Replies

SR Stian Rossland May 9, 2017 02:02 PM UTC

                          headerText: "Actions",
                            commands: [
                                    type: "open",
                                        buttonOptions: {
                                        text: "Open",
                                            width: "100",
                                            click: "onOpenClick"
                                      type: "power",
                                        buttonOptions: {
                                        text: "Power",
                                            width: "100",
                                            click: "onPowerClick"
                                      type: "disconnect",
                                        buttonOptions: {
                                        text: "Disconnect",
                                            width: "100",
                                            click: "onDisconnectClick"
                                isUnbound: true,
                                textAlign: ej.TextAlign.Left,
                                width: 400

PK Prasanna Kumar Viswanathan Syncfusion Team May 10, 2017 10:20 AM UTC

Hi Rossland,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
We can reproduce the mentioned issue in our sample with the attached code example. In your code example the curly brackets were not properly closed in the commands column. 
 Find the code example: 
      type: "open",
      buttonOptions: {
             text: "Open",
             width: "100",
             click: "onOpenClick"

Find the modified code example: 
      type: "open",
       buttonOptions: {
            text: "Open",
            width: "100",
            click: "onOpenClick"
Prasanna Kumar N.S.V

SR Stian Rossland May 14, 2017 03:36 PM UTC

Thank you. I got it to work now. Is there a way to render one of the command buttons as a dropdown button? Alternative i could show a pop-up on click, but i can't find a popup widget in JS Essential. Basically what a need is a multiple choice on a commnd button.

PK Prasanna Kumar Viswanathan Syncfusion Team May 15, 2017 01:18 PM UTC

Hi Rossland, 

Query : “Is there a way to render one of the command buttons as a dropdown button?” 

It is not possible to render one of the command buttons as a dropdown button. To achieve your requirement we suggest you to use columnTemplate feature of ejGrid. In columnTemplate HTML templates can be specified in the template property of the particular column as a string (HTML element) or ID of the template’s HTML element. 

Find the code example and sample:  

    <div id="Grid"></div> 
    <ul id="U1"> 
 <script type="text/javascript"> 
    $(function () { 
            // the datasource "window.gridData" is referred from jsondata.min.js 
            dataSource: window.gridData, 
            allowPaging: true, 
            templateRefresh : function (args) {              
                $($(args.cell).children()[0]).ejSplitButton({ click: "btnClick2", targetID: "U1" , width: "80px", height: "30px"}); 
                $($(args.cell).children()[1]).ejButton({ click: "btnClick1" }); 
            columns: [ 
                     { headerText: "Actions", template: '<button id="button13">Open</button><button id="button14">Power</button>', width: 150 } 

Refer to the Help document for the columnTemplate. 

Prasanna Kumar N.S.V 

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