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Multiples dropdown cascading problems


I've a problem in this scenario:

I've 3 dropdowns, the first and the second drop down cascade both to the third dropdown. The first drop down has multiples values, the second is a standard cascading.

In javascript, in cascade event, I've defined the behaviour for the cascading:

function communityCascade(args)
        args.requiresDefaultFilter = false; // restrict the inbuilt mapping for cascading dropdown
        var predicates = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < args.cascadeValue.length; i++) {
            predicates.push(new ej.Predicate("Code", ej.FilterOperators.equal, args.cascadeValue[i]));
        args.cascadeQuery = ej.Query().where(ej.Predicate["or"](predicates))

When I click on first drop down, and the second, the cascading works fine, but if I unselect an item of second drop down, it doesn't cascade correctly.

This is my problem, but I attach an example for reproduce the error. At first instance, it works fine, but when I uncheck a country, cascading doesn't work fine

Attachment: DropDownProblem_b2dbc0f4.zip

5 Replies

KV Karthikeyan Viswanathan Syncfusion Team May 7, 2017 03:41 PM UTC

Hi Manolo, 

   Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

Currently, Multiple cascading is not supported for multi selection dropdown list. If you need this functionality means we will provide a workaround sample for your requirement. 

Karthikeyan V. 

MA Manolo May 7, 2017 05:38 PM UTC

Ok, I thank you for an example

KV Karthikeyan Viswanathan Syncfusion Team May 8, 2017 11:48 AM UTC

Hi Manolo, 

As per your request, We have prepared a workaround sample for multiple cascading dropdown list.  
Please find the code example:  

    var communityData; 
    var countryData; 
    function communityCascade(args) { 
        args.requiresDefaultFilter = false; // restrict the inbuilt mapping for cascading dropdown 
        var predicates = []; 
        var casVal = args.cascadeValue.split(";"); 
        for (var i = 0; i < casVal.length; i++) { 
            predicates.push(new ej.Predicate("Code", ej.FilterOperators.equal, casVal[i])); 
        args.cascadeQuery = ej.Query().where(ej.Predicate["or"](predicates)); 
        var CountryInst = $("#Country").ejDropDownList("instance"); 
        if (ej.isNullOrUndefined(this["City"]) && !ej.isNullOrUndefined(CountryInst["City"])) { 
            this["City"] = CountryInst["City"]; 
        else if (ej.isNullOrUndefined(this["City"])) this["City"] = this.selectDropObj.model.dataSource; 
        var changedSource = ej.DataManager(this["City"]).executeLocal(args.cascadeQuery); 
        var communityData = []; 
        if (CountryInst._changedSource && CountryInst._changedSource.length > 0) communityData = communityData.concat(CountryInst._changedSource); 
        if (this.checkedStatus) { 
            if (this._changedSource && this._changedSource.length > 0) communityData = this._changedSource.concat(changedSource); 
            else communityData = communityData.concat(changedSource); 
            communityData = removeduplicate(communityData); 
        else { 
            communityData = removeduplicate(communityData); 
            for (var i = 0; i < changedSource.length; i++) { 
                for (var j = 0; j < this._changedSource.length; j++) { 
                    if (JSON.stringify(this._changedSource[j]) == JSON.stringify(changedSource[i])) 
                        this._changedSource.splice(j, 1); 
                for (var j = 0; j < CountryInst._changedSource.length; j++) { 
                    if (JSON.stringify(CountryInst._changedSource[j]) == JSON.stringify(changedSource[i])) 
                        CountryInst._changedSource.splice(j, 1); 
            communityData = this._changedSource; 
            communityData = communityData.concat(CountryInst._changedSource); 
        communityData = removeduplicate(communityData); 
        args.setCascadeModel = { "dataSource": communityData ,"enabled":true}; 
    function countryCascade(args) { 
        args.requiresDefaultFilter = false; 
        args.cascadeQuery = ej.Query().where("IdCountry", "equal", args.cascadeValue); 
        var ComunityInst = $("#Comunity").ejDropDownList("instance"); 
        if (ej.isNullOrUndefined(this["City"]) && !ej.isNullOrUndefined(ComunityInst["City"])) { 
            this["City"] = ComunityInst["City"]; 
        else if (ej.isNullOrUndefined(this["City"])) this["City"] = this.selectDropObj.model.dataSource; 
        var changedSource = ej.DataManager(this["City"]).executeLocal(ej.Query().where("IdCountry", "equal", args.cascadeValue)); 
        var countryData = []; 
        if (ComunityInst._changedSource && ComunityInst._changedSource.length > 0) countryData = countryData.concat(ComunityInst._changedSource); 
        if (this.checkedStatus) { 
            if (this._changedSource && this._changedSource.length > 0) countryData = this._changedSource.concat(changedSource); 
            else countryData = countryData.concat(changedSource); 
            countryData = removeduplicate(countryData); 
        else { 
            countryData = removeduplicate(countryData); 
            for (var i = 0; i < changedSource.length; i++) { 
                for (var j = 0; j < this._changedSource.length; j++) { 
                    if (JSON.stringify(this._changedSource[j]) == JSON.stringify(changedSource[i])) 
                        this._changedSource.splice(j, 1); 
                for (var j = 0; j < ComunityInst._changedSource.length; j++) { 
                    if (JSON.stringify(ComunityInst._changedSource[j]) == JSON.stringify(changedSource[i])) 
                        ComunityInst._changedSource.splice(j, 1); 
            countryData = this._changedSource; 
            countryData =  countryData.concat(ComunityInst._changedSource); 
        countryData = removeduplicate(countryData); 
        args.setCascadeModel = { "dataSource": countryData, "enabled": true }; 
    function removeduplicate(communityData) { 
        var uniqueNames = []; 
        $.each(communityData, function (i, el) { 
            if ($.inArray(el, uniqueNames) === -1) uniqueNames.push(el); 
        return uniqueNames; 

Karthikeyan V. 

MA Manolo May 11, 2017 11:09 AM UTC

Buff.. it's complex.... thanks!

PO Prince Oliver Syncfusion Team May 12, 2017 05:22 AM UTC

Hi Manolo, 

Most Welcome. 
Please let us know if you require any further assistance. 


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