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iOS spin buttons are tiny

I'm using the SfNumericUpDown control. I added all of the listed required references to all of my projects, and I also performed the iOS setup of instantiating the renderer inside the FinishedLaunching override.

The control works great on Android and UWP.
On iOS functionally it's also perfect, but the spin button size is TINY.
Tested on iPhone 6S Plus (real device)
and on iPhone 6S (Simulator)

Here is a screenshot of how this looks:

Any help is much appreciated.

1 Reply

VA Vanaja  Annasamy Syncfusion Team April 27, 2017 08:42 AM UTC

Hi Milos,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.

Query: Spin Button does not display correctly in iOS

We have created support incident to track the status of the reported query has been created under your account.

Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.

Link: https://www.syncfusion.com/account/login?ReturnUrl=%2fsupport%2fdirecttrac%2fincidents/  

Vanaja R.A.

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