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Any Control to display nested lists?


Do you have a control that supports nested bindings?
For e.g. I have a list of objects (Name-Value) pair and value can be another list of objects, date, image, etc. So this control is intelligent enough to understand type of the value and display accordingly.

Please let us know your comments.


1 Reply

BR Balamurugan Rajaraman Syncfusion Team April 21, 2017 01:24 PM UTC

Hi Deepak, 
Thank you for contact Syncfusion support. 
You can able to achieve your requirement in our SfDataGrid. We have provided the Support for index based property collection. We have created the sample as per the requirement and attached that sample for your reference. You can able to download it from the below link  
Please refers the below link for getting more information about the indexer property 
Balamurugan R 

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