Hi Eric Griffith,
Thanks for contacting syncfusion support.
The requested requirement of " How to find out the current count of a column from the columnKey" can be achieved through simple workaround solution. Here you can extend Kanban object to add “getCount” method to achieve your requirement.
Please refer to the following code snippets:
Default.html ……… create: function (args) { var kbnObj = $('#Kanban').data('ejKanban'); kbnObj.getCount = function (key) { // Here you use the getcount method data = new ej.DataManager(kbnObj.getCurrentJsonData()).executeLocal(new ej.Query().where(kbnObj.model.keyField, ej.FilterOperators.equal, key)); return data.length; } } …….. <script> function buttonClick(args) { var kbnObj = $('#Kanban').data('ejKanban') var count = kbnObj.getCount("Open"); alert("Cards Count: " + count); } </script> ……….. |
Please check the bellow sample.
Let us know if any queries.
Rajesh Kumar.A