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SfNumericUpDown doesnt work using FormatString on UWP

I am tryin to use FormatString as cm, this code works fine on Android but It doesnt work on UWP. there are problems as
 1) after binding first time, it doesnt display cm suffix
 2) when I press up down buttons, numer disappears, only displays cm

  <Style x:Key="NumericStyle" TargetType="numeric:SfNumericUpDown">
                <Setter Property="HeightRequest" Value="60"/>
                <Setter Property="HorizontalOptions" Value="FillAndExpand"/>
                <Setter Property="VerticalOptions" Value="Start"/>
                <Setter Property="TextColor" Value="Black"/>
                <Setter Property="AllowNull" Value="true"/>
                <Setter Property="ParsingMode" Value="Decimal"/>
                <Setter Property="Maximum" Value="500"/>
                <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="10" />                

  <numeric:SfNumericUpDown MaximumDecimalDigits="2"   Style="{StaticResource NumericStyle}"  x:Name="heightNumericUpDown"
                                FormatString="cm"    Value="{Binding height}" />

3 Replies

VJ Victory Jessie Selvam D Syncfusion Team April 12, 2017 08:56 AM UTC

Hi Emil,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

For UWP, we suggest you to use standard format string "0.00" prior to the custom string "cm" for setting FormatString property and for other platforms you can simply use "cm". We have prepared a sample for the same and you can download it from the following link:

Sample: 129959-NumericUpDown-FormatString


EM Emil April 12, 2017 04:15 PM UTC

This works thank you.

VJ Victory Jessie Selvam D Syncfusion Team April 13, 2017 04:15 AM UTC

Hi Emil,

Thank you for your update.

Please let us know if you require any further assistance.


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