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Grid Bulk Edit Issue with the latest version


Recently I've upgraded my Syncfusion Studio Version to and I'm facing few issues.

Issue 1:
  • Enable bulk edit functionality for a grid
  • Keep one of the column values as empty initially.
  • Now click on the empty cell, type any value and focus out.
  • You can find errors in the console.
  • It seems the .toString at the last in the below code throws error when gridColData[args.columnName] is undefined.

Issue 2:
  • If an existing value is clicked and without making any change if we focus out, the red ribbon denoting a change is made is displayed.
  • This is not the case with older versions.

Faulty Code: (Line no. 39347 ej.grid.js)

isValueModified = ((this._bulkEditCellDetails.cellEditType == "datepicker" || this._bulkEditCellDetails.cellEditType == "datetimepicker" || this._bulkEditCellDetails.cellEditType == "dropdownedit") && tempVal instanceof Date && args.previousValue instanceof Date) ? (tempVal.getTime() !== gridColData[args.columnName].getTime()) : (typeof (tempVal) == "number" ? tempVal !== parseFloat(gridColData[args.columnName]) : typeof(tempVal) == "boolean" ? tempVal !=gridColData[args.columnName]:tempVal !== gridColData[args.columnName].toString());

1 Reply

SA Saravanan Arunachalam Syncfusion Team April 5, 2017 04:07 AM UTC

Hi Ajay, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion’s contact. 
Issue 1:  
We are able to reproduce the reported issue at our end and we have confirmed that the issue with “Script error throws when edit the undefined cell” as a breaking issue and a support incident has been created under your account to track the status of this issue. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates. 
Issue 2:  
We understood from your query, top left corner of the cell marked as red when focus the cell and focus out without modified the cell data. We are sorry that we are unable to reproduce the issue in current version and we have created a sample that can be refer from the below link. 
Saravanan A. 

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