Recently I've upgraded my Syncfusion Studio Version to and I'm facing few issues.
Issue 1:
- Enable bulk edit functionality for a grid
- Keep one of the column values as empty initially.
- Now click on the empty cell, type any value and focus out.
- You can find errors in the console.
- It seems the .toString at the last in the below code throws error when gridColData[args.columnName] is undefined.
Issue 2:
- If an existing value is clicked and without making any change if we focus out, the red ribbon denoting a change is made is displayed.
- This is not the case with older versions.
Faulty Code: (Line no. 39347 ej.grid.js)
isValueModified = ((this._bulkEditCellDetails.cellEditType == "datepicker" || this._bulkEditCellDetails.cellEditType == "datetimepicker" || this._bulkEditCellDetails.cellEditType == "dropdownedit") && tempVal instanceof Date && args.previousValue instanceof Date) ? (tempVal.getTime() !== gridColData[args.columnName].getTime()) : (typeof (tempVal) == "number" ? tempVal !== parseFloat(gridColData[args.columnName]) : typeof(tempVal) == "boolean" ? tempVal !=gridColData[args.columnName]:tempVal !== gridColData[args.columnName].toString());