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If you became a customer of the Syncfusion Reporting Platform or the Report Viewer, Report Designer, or Report Writer components before October 2019 and have questions related to those products, you can request support through our forum system. However, please note that this support system is only for existing customers who are still using the Syncfusion Reporting Platform or its components and not for new customers looking for reporting products from Syncfusion.

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Query Designer is not enabled / Grayed


I have 2 issues.

1. I cannot use query designer , its grayed out as in the attachment. 
2. I cannot use parameters in the query which gives this error SelectCommandConnection property has not been initiated
May be I feel because of query designer.
I am attaching my rdl file and also screenshots for your reference.

My requirement is i want to use the parameter defined in the query.

Actually I am using Oracle database .

Thanks in advance,



Attachment: syncreport_9f0c188b.7z

3 Replies

AS Anandakumar S Syncfusion Team April 3, 2017 09:59 AM UTC

Hi Haneef, 

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion components. 

I cannot use query designer , its grayed out as in the attachment. 
As of now we don’t have support to design queries using QueryDesigner for Oracle data source type and we have already added it to our feature request list. We will implement this feature in any of our upcoming release. 
I cannot use parameters in the query which gives this error SelectCommandConnection property has not been initiated 
May be I feel because of query designer. 
My requirement is i want to use the parameter defined in the query. 
Actually I am using Oracle database 
The mentioned error raised due to the query parameter syntax. In your attached files the query parameter used with @ prefix letter, but oracle query parameter must have a : (colon) prefix (eg: select * UGAPP_MASTER where APPLICATION_ID=:APPID). Please refer the below forum discussion for more details on this. 

Anandakumar S 

HP Haneef Puttur April 5, 2017 05:45 AM UTC

Dear Sir, 
Thanks for the quick support.

# As you said i have tried with :APP_ID , The moment I press OK its asking me for Define query parameters. Whatever I enter , it says Index was out of range. Must be non negative and less than the size of collection. Parameter name : index

Hoerver I was able to solve only by editing the rdl file and adding below parameters manually below select statements.
          <QueryParameter Name="APPID">

Is there any specific syntax for define query parameters.  

My issue is resolved , however it may help out those oracle users who facing similar issue.

Thanks for the great product and great support.



VS Vinoth Srinivasan Syncfusion Team April 7, 2017 03:52 AM UTC

Hi Haneef, 

We were able to reproduce the reported issue at our end. A support incident has been created under your account and we request you to login into our Direct Trac support system for further updates on this issue. Our Direct Trac support system can be accessed from the following link: 

Vinoth S. 

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