Hi All,
I'm new to Syncfusion, and trying to understand how to show the appointments from SQL Server with Schedule control.
In the project, I put the ScripManager, SqlDataSource and Schedule.
The SqlDataSouce returns the next fields: IDEvento, InicioEvento, FinEvento, TituloEvento, DescEvento
and the Schedule control has next code:
<ej:Schedule ID="Schedule1" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" DataSourceID="sdsEventos" >
<AppointmentSettings Id="IDEvento" Subject="TituloEvento" StartTime="InicioEvento" EndTime="FinEvento" Description="DescEvento" />
When I run the project, it doesn't show anything, just an empty page. Of course the sql datasource returns rows.
What I'm doing wrong?.
It is Visul Studio 2013 and Syncfusion 15.1450.0.37