Hi, I'm still playing and evaluating controls. For that I have created a new MVC project scaffolded from the Syncfusion templates.
The ScheduleFeatures.cshtml features links to the Syncfusion CDN which result in an HTTP500 Status code.
<li> TimeMode</li>
<li> TimeZone</li>
<script src="@Url.Content("http://cdn.syncfusion.com/")"></script>
<script src="@Url.Content("http://cdn.syncfusion.com/")"></script>
<script src="@Url.Content("http://cdn.syncfusion.com/")"></script>
<div id = "ControlRegion">
Also, in my humble opinion, it would be better to replace the links with just "//cdn.syncfusion.com/..." to allow references to work when the application is in https mode (which would prevent loading of "unsecure" components via http)
This is just for information, no action required.