Sorry, there are some mistakes in my fist post:
I can change the time dragging the hour or minute needle ...
- when I open the calender-control, the time is not set to the time of the main textbox ?
- when I click somewhere on the Textbox of the clock-control the day is marked in the main textbox (see attached file...)
- when i click the up-spinner in the clock-control the time (in the clock-control) is set to am; when I click the down-spinner, the time ist set to pm - the time in the main textbox toggles between for example 10 (am?) and 22(pm?) in the main textbox which I set to 24h
- the textbox of the clock-control ist readonly - right ?
- on start I choose datetime = null, but when clicking on the clockbutton the main textbox changes to the actual datetime after some seconds without clicking somewhere on the clock-control
kind regards Chris