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Object Multiselection


I´m investigating the WPF library, and I have a doubt about the PropertyGrid, I can´t see a sample with a multiselected object. I mean, I have an editor, where I can multiselect.

If this is possible, and I have a custom editor for one property, I want to change/set the value to all the selected objects. (These objects can be of a different type, but the property to change is common).

And, one more thing,
 If I have a selected object and I select a property into the propertygrid, 
 then I change the selected object, 
 the question is ... I want to know if the selection will remain into the same property in the property grid if the selected object has the same type.

Thanks in advance



3 Replies

KJ Keerthana Jegannathan Syncfusion Team March 10, 2017 09:32 AM UTC

Hi David,   
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.   
Query 1: I´m investigating the WPF library, and I have a doubt about the PropertyGrid, I can´t see a sample with a multiselected object. I mean, I have an editor, where I can multiselect. If this is possible, and I have a custom editor for one property, I want to change/set the value to all the selected objects. (These objects can be of a different type, but the property to change is common).   
Can you please confirm whether you would to like to set multiple SelectedObject for the PropertyGrid at a time? Based on your update, we will update the details in it.   
Query 2:  If I have a selected object and I select a property into the propertygrid, then I change the selected object,    
 the question is ... I want to know if the selection will remain into the same property in the property grid if the selected object has the same type.   
Can you please confirm whether you have initialized the class from where the properties have been set to PropertyGrid and changed as SelectedObject? Based on your update, we will update the details in it.   
Keerthana J    

DA David March 10, 2017 10:33 AM UTC

Hi Keerthana,

I attached a zip that contains 3 images.

Query 1:

As you can see into the attached image, we want a property grid that "show" the properties of the multiselected objects  (in the image the multiselected objects are Server 1 and EngineeringWorkstation 1).

The expected behaviour:

- Show common properties, 
- The "value" field:
                         *  will be empty for the different values
                         *  will have the common value for the equal values.

- If we change the value, (like BroadcastDomain in the image), the value will be set into the multiselected objects (in all of them).

Query 2:

The attached images are Selected1 and Selected2:

As you can see into the Selected1 image, the selected object is Engineering Workstation, and the property grid item selected is Functional Unit, then I change the selected object to Server 1 (Selected2 image) and the selected property grid item still in the Functional Unit.



Attachment: PG_63be242c.zip

KJ Keerthana Jegannathan Syncfusion Team March 13, 2017 01:15 PM UTC

Hi David,

Thank you for your update. 
Query 1: As you can see into the attached image, we want a property grid that "show" the properties of the multiselected objects  (in the image the multiselected objects are Server 1 and EngineeringWorkstation 1).   
At present, we don’t have support to use same value for the property in multiple selected object. We have logged feature for this requirement and it will be included in any of our upcoming releases.   
Query 2: As you can see into the Selected1 image, the selected object is Engineering Workstation, and the property grid item selected is Functional Unit, then I change the selected object to Server 1 (Selected2 image) and the selected property grid item still in the Functional Unit.   
We have assigned selected object to the PropertyGrid by using reflection, therefore there may be chance of conflict while maintaining selection when changing the selected object. Can you please share the need to maintain the selection while changing selected object? Based on your update, we will update you the details in it.   
Keerthana J   

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