I am struggling with this
the Autocomplete box seems to need a vastly different number for Textsize and droptextsize one one machine compared with emulators
For example on a real machine Sony Z3 with xxhigh as its declared density (Displaymetrics.Densitydpi = 480) and (Displametrics.Density= 3) screen height in px 1778
compared with an xxhdpi emulator of similar screen size (1788) and similar density dens = 2.75 densitydpi = 441
On the real machine Sony Z3 one can set the autocomplete textsizes to similar to the normal entry box size as derived from
editsize = (int)Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Medium, typeof(Label));
this actual resolves to an editsize of about 18 on the emulator and 16 on the Z3
However on the emulator an autocomplete set to such sizes is so small as to be nearly unreadable whereas on the Z3 if anything the size is too big (i.e. it renders larger than the native Entry)
As these are very similar screen sizes and densities there is no explanation in using some sort of scaling factor - it is the peculiar way Syncfusion deals with text size
Can you suggest a solution?
Is it that all real machines will render sizes much bigger than the emulators - if so I cant go our and buy a load of Android machines to test it. If the emulator is a real reflection of how textsize is rendered in autocomplete on a real world machine tehn why does my real world Sony show huge textsizes in autocomplete when set to a sze which is redable on practically the same screen size and density emulator??????