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Cannot set right datepicker locale in grid cell.

I have the following grid:

                <ej-grid id="Grid" 
                [editSettings]="{'allowEditing':'true', 'editMode':'batch', 'showConfirmDialog':false}"
                    <e-column field="id" [visible]="false" [isPrimaryKey]="true"></e-column>
                    <e-column field="date" headerTextAlign="center" editType="datepicker" [width]="80" format="{0:dd.MM.yyyy}" [editParams]="{'locale': 'ru-RU', buttonText: 'Сегодня'}" [allowFiltering]="false" headerText="Date"></e-column>
                    <e-column field="creationDate" headerTextAlign="center" editType="datepicker" width="80" format="{0:dd.MM.yyyy}" [editParams]="{locale: 'ru-RU', buttonText: 'Сегодня'}" [allowFiltering]="false" headerText="Creation Date"></e-column>

I need these two datepickers to be the right (Russian) locale. ButtonText works perfectly, but the locale wont. 

I did refer the ru locale script, that I've downloaded from github and put in the folder. Here's the reference in the angular-cli.json (yes, this is an angular-cli project)

"scripts": [

Can you help me with this?

4 Replies

RA Rykunov Alex March 6, 2017 08:34 AM UTC

I am afraid you've mistaken the forum thread.

VA Venkatesh Ayothi Raman Syncfusion Team March 6, 2017 01:04 PM UTC

Hi Alex, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

We were unable to reproduce the reported issue at our end and we have prepared a sample for your reference which can be download from following link, 
We went through your code example and found that you don’t referred culture file for locale ru-Ru. This is the cause of this issue. Please refer to the sample and code example for your reference, 
Code example
   <ej-grid [allowPaging]="true" [dataSource]="gridData" [allowGrouping]="true" [toolbarSettings]="toolbarItems" [editSettings]="editSettings" > 
              . . . 
        <e-column field="OrderDate" headerText="sds" [editParams]="{'locale': 'ru-RU', 'buttonText': 'Сегодня'}" editType="datepicker" format="{0:dd.MM.yyyy}"></e-column> 
        . . . 
@index.html page 
    <script src="deps/js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> 
    <script src="deps/js/jquery.easing.1.3.min.js"></script> 
    <script src="deps/js/jsrender.min.js"></script> 
    <script src="deps/js/jsondata.min.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.syncfusion.com/"></script> 
<script src="deps/js/cultures/ej.culture.de-DE.min.js"></script> 
<script src="deps/js/cultures/ej.culture.ru-RU.min.js"></script> 
    <script src="deps/js/ej.angular2.min.js"></script> 

If you still face the same issue, then could you please provide following details?  
1)      Any script error thrown while using locale? If so, provide screenshot of them. 
2)      Essential Studio Version details. 
3)      Provide the sample or modified the given sample as issue reproducible. 

Venkatesh Ayothiraman. 

RA Rykunov Alex March 10, 2017 10:56 AM UTC

I was confused by the fact you have to restart your angular-cli project for the reference to kick in. Yes, this is working now. Thank you.

VA Venkatesh Ayothi Raman Syncfusion Team March 13, 2017 05:21 AM UTC

Hi Alex, 
Thanks for the update. 
We are very happy to hear that your requirement is achieved. 
Venkatesh Ayothiraman. 

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