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I'm having problems getting the +- symbols to show in a MultiColumnTreeView. I'm setting LoadOnDemand and ShowPlusMinus On the tree view and then setting ShowPlusMinus on the nodes. In my test I am adding 2 root nodes to the tree. I do not see any +- symbols displayed. What else do I need to do to get this to work?

1 Reply

VR Vijayalakshmi Roopkumar Syncfusion Team February 23, 2017 07:00 AM UTC

Hi Wesley,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion Support.

We have tested the MultiColumnTreeView control by setting the ShowPlusMinus and LoadOnDemand property as True, but the plus and minus sign for rootnodes is displayed at our end. We have also taken the video, please download the video and sample from following link:

Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/129036/ze/MultiColumnTreeViewAdv721744050 

Please check this sample and video and let us know whether we are following correct issue replication steps? If not please send us the issue reproducible sample along with screenshot that shows the issue. Also provide your product version details, it would be helpful for us to proceed further on this.

Vijayalakshmi V.R. 

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