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Get data from a column

Hello! Do not tell me there is a column number 6, for example in which the numbers. How to display all digits of a given column in textBox

1 Reply

MG Mohanraj Gunasekaran Syncfusion Team February 22, 2017 11:37 AM UTC

Hi Slava, 

Thanks for using Syncfusion products. 

Please find your responses in below table 
How to display all digitsof a given column in textBox 
In order to display all digits of a given column in textbox, you can use the ResizeToFit method for that column. Please refer to the below code example and attached sample,   
Code example 

In order to resize the column width based on the given data while typing, the below properties have to be set, 
Code example 
this.gridControl1.TableStyle.WrapText = false; 
this.gridControl1.TableStyle.AutoSize = true; 
this.gridControl1.Model.Options.UseRightToLeftCompatibleTextBox = false; 
this.gridControl1.AllowTextBoxAutoSize = true; 
Screen shot 

Sample link: GridControl  
Please let us know, if you required any further assistance on this.   

Mohanraj G. 

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