I have a TypeScript click event attached to a diagram which opens up a property dialog. However I've noticed the context menu on the diagram opens up, if the mouse pointer remains to hover over the node. Can I disable this from happening? This causes further when clicking on node connections, and if breaks the node links on either end. Maybe the focus is doing unintended things with diagram.
this.theDiagram =
new ej.datavisualization.Diagram($("#diagram"), {
pageSettings: {
// Sets page size
pageHeight: 1000,
pageWidth: 600,
// Customizes the appearance of page
pageBorderWidth: 0,
pageBackgroundColor: "transparent",
pageBorderColor: "lightgray",
pageMargin: 0,
showPageBreak: false,
multiplePage: false,
pageOrientation: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.PageOrientations.Landscape,
scrollLimit: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ScrollLimit.Infinite
enableContextMenu: true,
scrollSettings: {
horizontalOffset: 0,
verticalOffset: 0
nodes: [],
connectors: [],
click: (args) => { this.clickDiagram(args); }
public clickDiagram(clickEvent: ej.datavisualization.Diagram.ClickEventArgs): void {
let nodedata: NodeData = clickEvent.element.class as NodeData;
// open dialog