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Backstage Background Image


i am c# Beginner and have seen in the online documentation, that in the backstage tab their is an image in the right bellow corner.
i have seahrched the whole guide and ididn't find how this background image is inseted to teh backstage tab ...
is their an simple example who explains this function?

1 Reply

PB Priyanga Balasubramaniam Syncfusion Team February 13, 2017 09:58 AM UTC

Hi Thomas,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion Support.

BackStageCornerImage has been provided for the Office2010 and Office2013 styles by default. There is no direct property to customize the image directly.

We have prepared a sample and in this sample, changed BackStageCornerImage by getting "image" element from BackStage template then changed its source value.

You can download the sample under the folowing location.  
Sample: TestWPFApp

Priyanga B

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