Thank you.
I have had partial success with this now.
#1 (UWP)
It seems I just needed to make sure the PullableContent was getting sized as per your code block in MainPage()...
this.SizeChanged += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
PullToRefreshSamplePage content = new PullToRefreshSamplePage();
content.HeightRequest = content.PullableContent.HeightRequest = this.Height;
content.WidthRequest = content.PullableContent.WidthRequest = this.Width;
this.Content = content.Content;
However, I have 2 further problems:
a) page resizing - your code creates a new page every time SizeChanged is called.
This is certainly not practical for my purposes, so I have been trying to resize the existing page instead.
I cannot get this to work - the PullableContent simply will not resize - perhaps this is why you are creating a new page each time?
b) animation icon - I don't see an animation icon while pulling to refresh and I could not see anywhere in your sample that set this at all.
#2 (Droid)
I was unable to run your sample project - thank you.
But I am still unable to run my Droid project.
I simply can't find where the problem is.
I get the same unhandled exception as before as soon as I try to set the MasterDetail.Detail page to the page containing the SfPullToRefresh code.