I am attempting to create a PDF document with a flow layout, and link (bookmarks) inside the document, so you can navigate inside the document.
The problem is that in the PDF documents the links are visible (the cursor changes when I hover over it) but it does not work. When I inspect the link with Acrobat Professional, there does not seems to be a target for the link.
Currently I am first creating a Word document, and then converting it to a PDF, as suggested by the documentation for a flow layout( https://help.syncfusion.com/file-formats/pdf/working-with-flow-layout)
When I open the Word document, the links are there and they are working. If I convert the pdf then with the Word program (OpenOffice in my case), the links in the PDF document work correctly.
Any suggestions on how to make the links in the PDF work after the conversion ?
I create the links in the Word document with:
var entry = bookmarks.First();
paragraph.AppendCrossReference(ReferenceType.Bookmark, ReferenceKind.ContentText, entry, true, false, false, string.Empty);
The conversion:
var converter = new DocToPDFConverter();
PdfDocument pdfDocument = converter.ConvertToPDF(wordDocument);