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Ribbon Tab Z-Order


I have an issue with the Ribbon Tab, it seems to have higher z-order than the bootstrap menu.
Please see the screenshot in the attached zip file.

Many Thanks,

Attachment: ribbon_bug_98e8747.zip

1 Reply

BS Buvana Sathasivam Syncfusion Team January 25, 2017 05:45 AM UTC

Hi Ardani,   
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.   
We have achieved your requirement using ‘z-index’ property in the following code.  You have to specify ‘z-index’ as ‘1’ which is set to Ribbon active content and Ribbon backstage page.  Please refer to the following code.   
     .e-ribbon .e-active-content, .e-ribbon .e-ribbonbackstagepage{       
            z-index: 1;   // set z-index value here      
Please let us know if you need further clarifications.   
Buvana S.  

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