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No TooltipTemplateSelector if CellStyle has property IsEnabled=false


I'm not able to implement a working TooltipTemplateSelector for cells with property IsEnabled=false.

The TooltipTemplateSelector will be instantiated correctly, but the SelectTemplate method will never be called.

When IsEnabled is set to true, then TooltipTemplateSelector works as expected.

In my eyes this is a bug and should be fixed.


3 Replies

JG Jai Ganesh S Syncfusion Team January 3, 2017 01:02 PM UTC

Hi Herald, 
You can show the tooltip for disabled cells by using CurrentCellActivating event instead of disabling the cells. 
this.AssociatedObject.CurrentCellActivating += AssociatedObject_CurrentCellActivating; 
private void AssociatedObject_CurrentCellActivating(object sender, CurrentCellActivatingEventArgs e) 
    if (this.AssociatedObject.Columns[e.CurrentRowColumnIndex.ColumnIndex].MappingName == "Value") 
        var rowIndex = e.CurrentRowColumnIndex.RowIndex; 
        var recordIndex = this.AssociatedObject.ResolveToRecordIndex(rowIndex); 
        var record = this.AssociatedObject.View.Records[recordIndex].Data as DataItem; 
        if (record.ItemType == 2) 
            e.Cancel = true; 
Jai Ganesh S 

HB Harald Betzler January 3, 2017 04:14 PM UTC

Hi Jai,

thank you for the solution.

It works as expected, but in my opinion Tooltips should also be shown on "disabled" cells (without this complex effort).
Maybe you can redirect my wish to your developers.


JG Jai Ganesh S Syncfusion Team January 4, 2017 06:39 PM UTC

Hi Harald, 
We regret to inform you that, we cannot showing a tooltip for disabled cells in SfDataGrid. This is the default behavior. However, as we said in our last update, you can use the CurrrentCellActivating event to achieve your requirement. 
Jai Ganesh S 

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