I need to add tabs and tab content dynamically into tabPanel. How can I achieve that?
<ej-tab id="tabsample">
<li><a rel='nofollow' href="#home" >Home</a></li>
<div id="home" style="background-color: deeppink">
<h1>Welcome! This is Home tab..</h1>
I can add tab dynamically like this:
var tabObj = $("#tabsample").data("ejTab");
tabObj.addItem("#dynamicTab", "dynamic content", 2, "myClass", 2);
But how can I add content (dynamically)?
<div id="dynamicTab">
<h1>Welcome Dynamic tab! </h1>
Also, I need that heightAdjustMode would be ''fill' for each tab.
P.S. Content can't be hardcoded into HTML. I need to be able to add it dynamically.