Thank you for your fast reply, I'll try to clarify what I need.
VisualMode is set to "MultipleExpansion".
In my Ribbon application I have several tabs and one UserControl.
For example I have Tab A and B.
Tab B has a lot of GroupBarItems so I need them to minimize in order to allow the user to easily view the data.
Tab A however as just 2 lines in it and I added the data to a GroupBarItem in order to keep everything organized and neat.
I prefer that the user won't be allowed to minimize some GroupBarItems due to the impotent of the data that it held, but I still want to keep the data in a GroupBarItem.
Each Tab change the UserControl so that the user view different aspects of the application.
For example: Tab A will display a standard Sine wave and the user can set the phase of the wave
GroupBar Name="StandardPanel"
GroupBarItem Name="StandardWaveformParameters"
DoubleTextBox Name="StandardPhase"
When the user select Tab B the UserControl will now show more functions (for example setting number of cycles of the wave)
GroupBar Name="AdvancedPanel"
GroupBarItem Name="AdvancedWaveformAttributes"
DoubleTextBox Name="AdvancedCycles"
I would like that when the user will press Tab B the GroupBarItem (Name="StandardWaveformParameters") will be displayed at the end of the GroupBar Name="AdvancedPanel", so the user would think that it is part of that GroupBar.
I don't want the add a new DoubleTextBox Named "AdvancedPhase" in AdvancedWaveformAttributes because I implement
quite a lot in the ViewModel and I don't want to write the same code several times.
The GroupBarItem need to be added programmatically to another GroupBar (or maybe display the second GroupBar behind the first GroupBar) but not move them - because if the user will press once again on Tab A I don't want to remove the
GroupBarItem once again.
*** I can solve Q2 when I create one large GroupBar that contain all
GroupBarItems and simply change visibility of needed
GroupBarItems, but I'm just not sure that it's the right way to solve that problem.****
Hopefully I was clearer now.
Thanks for all the help.