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SfAutocomplete does not work on IOS and with issues on Android


am using SfAutoComplete in my Xamarin.Forms app and have following issues.

In XAML, I have:

<autocomplete:SfAutoComplete x:Name="acpckContacts" Watermark="Enter Contact Name"
                                       SuggestionMode="StartsWith" AutoCompleteMode="Suggest"
                                       HeightRequest="40" DropDownTextSize="15" TextSize="15"
                                       MinimumPrefixCharacters="1" MaximumDropDownHeight="200"/>

in code behind the list is populated as follows:
 List<string> allContacts = new List<string>();
                acpckContacts.AutoCompleteSource = allContacts;

If I enter any number of characters the list of options is not displayed at all 

The list of options is displayed properly but the characters are extremely small, hardly readable. Tried to play with DropDownTextSize and TextSize attributes but with no luck. 

Attaching screenshots.

Any help appreciated.



Attachment: screenshots_6e9bb37d.zip

3 Replies

PK Pavendhan Kumar Syncfusion Team December 9, 2016 04:15 PM UTC

Hi Jiri,

Thank you for your update.

Query : In iOS If I enter any number of characters the list of options is not displayed at all.

Actually the keyboard hides the SuggestionBox since the AutoComplete is placed in bottom of the page. You can change the position of the SuggestionBox using SuggestionBoxPlacement property.

Query: The list of options is displayed properly but the characters are extremely small, hardly readable.

By Changing the property DropDownItemHeight will result better visibility to read. We have prepared a sample for your convenience please download the same from the below available link.

Link: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/127782/ze/AutoComplete127782-1009924337 

Pavendhan K. 

JM Jiri Matejka December 9, 2016 04:32 PM UTC

Thanks Pavendhan, I will check this out. Thanks for the packed solution, I appreciate that. 

PK Pavendhan Kumar Syncfusion Team December 12, 2016 03:29 AM UTC

Hi Jiri,

Thank you for update. We will wait until hear from you please feel free to contact us for if any other information needed.

Pavendhan K.

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