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Radio button - Jquery radiobutton check true/false


                  <td class="chkrad">

                       <ej:RadioButton Name="run" ID="complete" runat="server" Text="Yes" Size="Small" CssClass="RadioNode" Checked="true"></ej:RadioButton>


                   <td class="chkrad" colspan="2">

                      <ej:RadioButton Name="run" ID="notcomplete" runat="server" Text="No" Size="Small" CssClass="RadioNode"></ej:RadioButton>



Jquery how to get  radiobutton check true/false  



2 Replies

PR Pratheep December 7, 2016 05:51 PM UTC


Jquery get value of selected radio button

<td class="chkrad">

                       <ej:RadioButton Name="run" ID="complete" runat="server" Text="Yes" Size="Small" CssClass="RadioNode" Checked="true"></ej:RadioButton>


                   <td class="chkrad" colspan="2">

                      <ej:RadioButton Name="run" ID="notcomplete" runat="server" Text="No" Size="Small" CssClass="RadioNode"></ej:RadioButton>



DL Deepa Loganathan Syncfusion Team December 8, 2016 11:16 AM UTC

Hi Pratheep,   
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.   
After initialization of Radiobutton, the checked state of the Radiobutton will be available in the event arguments of Change call back function and could be accessed as given below.   
    change: function (e) {  
        // event arguments for Change button is available here  
Please refer the following help documents for more details on the options available in Radiobutton and the event arguments available inside call back functions.   
If this is not your requirement, please get back to us with the description of the scenario, So that we could provide you the exact solution. 
Deepa L.  

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