I have a Chart that have two LineSeries. The first serie(aperturas) is Visibility="Visible" and the second(bajas) is Visibility="Collapsed". when the chart is showed, the first is visible and second is collapsed, it is Ok, but in the legend, I have two Chechkbox and the two checkbox are checked. it is a problem, because in the chart only is showed one serie and to show the second serie, I have to check checkbox to descheck and check again to show the content.
<chart:SfChart Grid.Row="3" >
<TextBlock FontSize="14" Text="Días Apertura Campanya" Margin="10" />
<chart:CategoryAxis Header="Días" FontSize="14" LabelFormat="dd/MM/yy" LabelRotationAngle="45" />
<chart:NumericalAxis Header="Aperturas" FontSize="14" Minimum="0" />
<chart:ChartLegend CheckBoxVisibility="Visible" />
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=DatosAperturasDias}"
XBindingPath="Key" YBindingPath="Value"
ShowTooltip="True" Interior="Gold"
ShowEmptyPoints="True" EmptyPointValue="Zero"
VisibilityOnLegend="Visible" Visibility="Visible"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=DatosBajasDias}"
XBindingPath="Key" YBindingPath="Value"
ShowTooltip="True" Interior="Green"
ShowEmptyPoints="True" EmptyPointValue="Zero"
VisibilityOnLegend="Visible" Visibility="Collapsed"