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MainWindow unable to be Topmost

Hello Syncfusion Team,

we have an application that has UserControls that are docked as pages to our MainWindow.
If, through double click for example, I make one UserControl floating, it rolls up to the top of all Windows.
This is of course desired and good.

The only nuisance is, that I cannot bring the MainWindow on top again.
The Floating Window will always be on top of the Main.

Multiple floating Windows can be on top of each other if clicked and change their Z-positions like expected.
Even in Nested Floating Windows this is no problem.

But all of these Windows will stay on top of the MainWindow.

I set "UseNativeFloatWindow" to true for all DockingManagers. 

Is there a variable I have to set  or another way I have overseen so that the MainWindow can be made on top if clicked (and of course be overshadowed if I click another window again)?


3 Replies

AK Ashok Kumar Murugesan Syncfusion Team November 23, 2016 11:01 AM UTC

Hi Erik Brunki,

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.

In our DockingManager, we have set the MainWindow as Owner of NativeFloatWindow. So NativeFloatWindows will be always on Top of MainWindow.
But we can restrict this behavior by changing the Owner of NativeFloatWindow as null. We have prepared the sample based on your requirement.
In this sample we have changed the owner of NativeFloatWindow as null. Please download the sample from the following link.

Sample: DockingManager

Ashok Kumar M.

EB Erik Brunki November 25, 2016 07:35 AM UTC

Hello Ashok Kumar,

I am delighted to say, that your solution works just like intended, thank you!

But I have an important question, because this will be necessary for our own implementation.

Why is the timer important?
Why can I not put it directly into an DockingManagerStateChanged event? (I tried, it didn't work)
If you do not mind, I would like to know this in detail, so I can understand Syncfusion better and use it more effectively.


VJ Victory Jessie Selvam D Syncfusion Team November 28, 2016 12:32 PM UTC

Hi Eric,

We cannot retrieve NativeFloatWindows in DockStateChanged event because it requires some time duration to generate the window. So we have tried to retrieve the windows using Timer in our previous sample. When NativeFloatWindow is generated, MainWindow will be deactivated, so you can use MainMindow's Deactivated event instead of Timer. We have modified the sample for the same and you can download it from the following link:

Sample: DockingManager


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