Hello Syncfusion Team,
we have an application that has UserControls that are docked as pages to our MainWindow.
If, through double click for example, I make one UserControl floating, it rolls up to the top of all Windows.
This is of course desired and good.
The only nuisance is, that I cannot bring the MainWindow on top again.
The Floating Window will always be on top of the Main.
Multiple floating Windows can be on top of each other if clicked and change their Z-positions like expected.
Even in Nested Floating Windows this is no problem.
But all of these Windows will stay on top of the MainWindow.
I set "UseNativeFloatWindow" to true for all DockingManagers.
Is there a variable I have to set or another way I have overseen so that the MainWindow can be made on top if clicked (and of course be overshadowed if I click another window again)?