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After exporting the columns are exported as Text


i am using syncfusion gridGroupingControl in my windows application and when i export the grid data to excel ,the data is getting exported nicely but when i open that excel file in excel all the fields are showing as text field in excel even the filed which has number data type in the grid. 
can you please tell how to export grid data to excel without the number field getting changed to text filed?. 


1 Reply

PM Piruthiviraj Malaimelraj Syncfusion Team November 23, 2016 10:39 AM UTC

Hi Sachin, 

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products. 

We have analyzed your reported scenario and tested by exporting the grid with numeric columns to excel with GroupingGridExcelConverterControl and GridGroupingExcelConverterControl. Unfortunately we could not able to reproduce the reported scenario at our end. The numeric columns values are exported as Number type in excel sheet. Could you please provide the following details, 
·         Provide the build version details that used in your application project. 
·         Which class is used to export the grid to excel.(GroupingGridExcelConverterControl or GridGroupingExcelConverterControl
·         Ensure the reported issue is reproduced in the attached sample. If the still the issue is exists , please provide the screen shots which represents the reported scenario. 

These above details would be more useful for us to provide the exact solution at the earliest. 

Sample link: 


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