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multi filters implementation


i am trying to replicate this layout in my web app

getting the data from the server is not a problem, my main concern is how to implement the left side bar that contain the filter controls .

as you see there is some checkeckboxes to include/exclude categories, some price range slider, maybe a textbox for quick product searching .... etc

i am looking for the general idea on how to implement this

also i want to display some preloader on the screen when the filter change and while data is fetched from the server .

any idea, orientation, help is welcome .

thanks and good day/night

3 Replies

RJ Rekha J Syncfusion Team November 16, 2016 11:38 AM UTC

Hi Issam,   
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.   
We have analyzed your requirement of UI layout and achieved it by using our ejControls. We have used ejAccordion, ejTreeview, ejButton, ejNumericTextbox and ejSlider to achieve your requirement.   
For your reference, we have made a simple sample and please find the sample in the link:   
For further references on using our controls, please refer to the following links:   
UG documentation link: https://help.syncfusion.com/js/overview 
We would be happy to help you if you need further clarifications.  

IS issam November 16, 2016 02:14 PM UTC

thanks a lot for the sample , really appreciate .

really sorry but i think that I didn't express myself very clearly .
  my main concern is not how to create the filter controls themselves but how to make the actual data filtering/paging happen on the right listview .

how to respond to filter controls manipulation (checking/unchecking, range slider changes .... etc ) to get data from the server ... etc . (ideally with server paging)

 i have already my asp.net controller that return data with entity framework and linq, so i can use skip/take/where on the server . now since i have several filter controls how to manage them
to produce the full filter that will be sent to the server controller .

thanks again .

RJ Rekha J Syncfusion Team November 21, 2016 01:02 PM UTC

Hi Issam, 
Thanks for the patience. 
Query: how to respond to filter controls manipulation (checking/unchecking, range slider changes) 
We have checked your requirement and we can achieve filtering data’s using ejDataManager control. We have used ejTreeview, ejNumericTextbox and ejSlider and ejwaitingPopup to achieve your requirement.  
Please refer our online UG documentation link for ejDataManager. 
For your reference, we have made a simple sample to achieve your requirement and please find the sample in below link, 
We would be happy to help you if you have any further clarifications, 

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