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dynamic formula using gridGroupingContro

 how to create a dynamic formula using gridGroupingControl.  as the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0YCFjNxbXM

5 Replies

AR Amal Raj U Syncfusion Team November 11, 2016 02:02 PM UTC

Hi Gregory,
Thanks for using Syncfusion products. 

The reported scenario with the GridGroupingControl to create a dynamic formula can be achieved by using GridFormulaEngine. We have prepared a simple sample to create a dynamic formula with GridGroupingControl like the scenario from the provided video link. Please make use of the below code, 

Code Snippet 
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    GridFormulaEngine formulaEngine = new GridFormulaEngine(this.gridGroupingControl1.TableModel); 
    foreach (GridRecord rec in this.gridGroupingControl1.Table.Records) 
        double aValue = (double)rec["A"]; 
        int bValue = (int)rec["B"]; 
        double cValue = (double)rec["C"]; 
        if (rec["Formula"] != null) 
            string formula = rec["Formula"].ToString(); 
            //Replacing the given expesson with values. 
            if (formula.Contains('a')) 
                formula = formula.Replace("a", aValue.ToString()); 
            if (formula.Contains('b')) 
                formula = formula.Replace("b", bValue.ToString()); 
            if (formula.Contains("c")) 
                formula = formula.Replace("c", cValue.ToString()); 
            string result = formulaEngine.ComputeFormulaText(formula); 
            rec.SetValue("Result", result); 
Sample Link 
Please refer to the video of our sample execution, 
We have created a dynamic formula based on the given expression like your requirement. You can create dynamic formula as per your own expression. 
Amal Raj U. 

AB Arda Beyazoglu February 2, 2017 07:25 PM UTC


Is there a way to achieve something similar in DataBoundGrid control ? I tried but couldnt succeed.

Basically I have 4 columns and i made 4th column a formula cell. I want to make a calculation on first 3 columns and print result in 4th column. And this is same for each row in the grid.

PM Piruthiviraj Malaimelraj Syncfusion Team February 3, 2017 06:28 AM UTC

Hi Arda, 

Thanks for using Syncfusion products. 

We have created the simple sample with GridDataBoundGrid and in that sample , the first 3 column values are calculated and displayed it in 4th column as per your requirement. To create the dynamic formula , GridFormulaEngine can be used. In the attached sample, the cell values are calculated in CurrentCellKeyDown event when press the “enter” key. Please make use of the below code. 

Code example: 
this.gridDataBoundGrid1.CurrentCellKeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(gridDataBoundGrid1_CurrentCellKeyDown); 
void gridDataBoundGrid1_CurrentCellKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) 
    if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) 
        GridFormulaEngine engine = new GridFormulaEngine(this.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model); 
        List<MyMath> source = this.gridDataBoundGrid1.DataSource as List<MyMath>; 
        string cellText = this.gridDataBoundGrid1.CurrentCell.Renderer.ControlText; 
        int i = this.gridDataBoundGrid1.CurrentCell.RowIndex - 1; 
        double aValue = (double)source[i].A; 
        int bValue = (int)source[i].B; 
        double cValue = (double)source[i].C; 
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cellText)) 
            string formula = cellText; 
            //Replacing the given expesson with values. 
            if (formula.Contains("a")) 
                formula = formula.Replace("a", aValue.ToString()); 
            if (formula.Contains("b")) 
                formula = formula.Replace("b", bValue.ToString()); 
            if (formula.Contains("c")) 
                formula = formula.Replace("c", cValue.ToString()); 
            string result = engine.ComputeFormulaText(formula); 
            this.gridDataBoundGrid1.CurrentCell.Renderer.ControlText = result; 



Sample link: 


AB Arda Beyazoglu February 3, 2017 07:46 AM UTC

Thank you very much. Syncfusion is a great product.

PM Piruthiviraj Malaimelraj Syncfusion Team February 6, 2017 05:00 AM UTC

Hi Arda, 

Thanks for the update. 

We are glad to know that the provided solution is resolved your scenario. Please let us know if you have any other queries. 


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