I have a calendar setup in horizontal format and it works fine in "non-month crossover" date areas, but if I try to load a date range that crosses a month end/start it throws an error and only shows some of the days in the week. im using a custom download of the newest version of the syncfusion javascript, I can send if you need
Below is my schedule call (Ive tried taking things out of it and it doesn't seem to matter, if you need more things let me know)
height: calHt,
allowDragAndDrop: false,
showCurrentTimeIndicator: false,
showAppointmentNavigator: false,
enableAppointmentResize: false,
showLocationField: true,
showAllDayRow: false,
showTimeScale: false,
showQuickWindow: false,
timeScale: {enable: false},
cellHeight: "54px",
dateFormat: "MM/dd/yyyy",
enablePersistence: true,
enableRecurrenceValidation: false,
currentDate: sysUI.currDate,
firstDayOfWeek: "Monday",
dateHeaderTemplateId: "#hdrTemplate",
orientation: "horizontal",
views: ["Day","Week","Agenda"],
currentView: ej.Schedule.CurrentView.Week,
tooltipSettings: {enable: false},
resourceHeaderTemplateId: "#resTemplate",
group:{resources: ["Owners"]},
resources: [{
field: "ownerId",
title: "Owner",
name: "Owners",
resourceSettings: {
text: "title",
id: "id",
isRep: "isRep",
isPhotog: "isPhotog",
isGroup: "isGroup",
isVet: "isVet",
sid: "sid",
color: "color",
appointmentClass: "cssClass",
dataSource: resdata
blockoutSettings: {
enable: true,
templateId: "#blocktemplate",
dataSource: [],
id: "ID",
startTime: "startTime",
endTime: "endTime",
subject: "subject",
isBlockAppointment: "isBlock",
resourceId: "ownerId",
isAllDay: "allDay"
appointmentTemplateId: "#apptTemplate",
appointmentSettings: {
dataSource: [],
id: "ID",
title: "title",
subject: "subject",
startTime: "startTime",
endTime: "endTime",
description: "desc",
allDay: "allDay",
location: "location",
resourceFields: "ownerId"
create: 'calLoad',
actionComplete: 'calLoad',
beforeAppointmentRemove: 'apptDel',
appointmentClick: function(args){return false;},
appointmentWindowOpen: function(args){return false;},
cellDoubleClick: function(args){return false;},
cellClick: function(args){
if(stat == "error"){new PNotify({delay:5000,title:'Error',text:'Error Loading Page. Try again or contact support.',type:"error",opacity:.8});}
sysUI.event.user_id = args.resources.id;
var dt = funcUI.buildDate(args.startTime);
return false;
appointmentHover: function(args){}