Hi Kevin,
Thanks for Contacting Syncfusion Support,
Query “now it does not work for some reason. trace the js, turns out that the call $(....).data('ejDialog') does not work but $(..).ejDialog() does.”
We can render the dialog control to using this $(..).ejDialog(). Then we get the object of the Dialog control using this $(....).data ('ejDialog') or $(....).ejDialog(“instance”).
but this script has reference to widget.
This script file not control dependent. This is the common for all the components.
Query “now if just using one control, say the dialog, we don't want to reference the entire 1.1M ej.widget.all.min.js”
Yes, No need to refer the ej.widget.all.min.js file for one control. We can download for the control dependency files alone using CSG.
Please refer the following link:
Query “<add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true" /> actually breaks the dialog control, its content no longer render properly. it's just showing a blank dialog.”
We have checked with your code example. And we are able to re-produce the reported issue in our end. In default, <add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true" /> using Unobtrusive mode enabled for ASP.NET MVC.
Please check with the below link:
For validating purpose only, if you are enabling the un- obtrusive mode in asp.net. Please check with the below link:
Please let us know which platform you are currently using in your application.
Selvamani S